Network adapters card or network interface card, also known as (NIC) networkadapters are equipments which make computer networking. The common networkadapters we called is adapters connected to PC and LAN network. Networkadapters(NIC) plugged into the computer motherboard slot, it is responsible forthe user to transfer data into other devices on the network so the format can beidentified. Network Adapters transmiss through the network medium. Its maintechnical parameters is the bandwidth, the bus mode and electrical interfacemethods.
According to the different transmission media, Network Adapters can bedevided into three interface types: AUI interface (Cu Lan Interface), BNCinterface (thin cable interface) and RJ45 Network Adapters (twisted pairinterface). So when we choose the adapters, the care should be supported by theinterface card types, or it may not apply to your network. The common 10Mnetwork card are mainly single-port NIC 10M NIC (RJ45 Network Adapters interfaceor BNC interface) and dual-port NIC (RJ45 Network Adapters and two BNCinterface), interface card with AUI Culan is less in the market. The 100M and1000M card is generally a single port card (RJ45 Network Adapters interface). Inaddition to the interface card, we also pay attention to the selection ofnetwork card whether to support diskless boot or not. We should also considerwhether adapters support the fiber optic network card or not at necessary.