Some Tips We Should Notice Before Install ADSL Splitter
ADSL splitter, also called ADSL POTS splitter. The wiring manner in most houses can divide into ADSL total–bus wire and ADSL sub-Bus wire. ADSL bus refers to the parallel line from the telecommunications into account the number of telephone lines, each line received a telephone on the different rooms. Following are some tips we should notice before install ADSL splitter.
The line interface shoule connect to ADSL splitter, then install telephone extension or fax, or you should add another ADSL POTS splitter extensions.
Three interface of ADSL POTS splitter should not be connect wrong. We should correct the cable in the right position and order.
ADSL splitter can not be placed on moist circumstance to prevent corrosion and malfunction.
ADSL splitter should away from sources of interference, such as high-power electrical appliances.
We should not open the long-distance telephone lock of extension.